Sunday, May 24, 2020

Women s Rights Is The Fight For Equality - 1083 Words

Women’s rights is the fight for the idea that women should have equal rights with men. Over history, this has taken the form of gaining property rights, the women’s suffrage, or the right of women to vote, reproductive rights, and the right to work for for equal pay. Women were conditioned to be treated like second class citizens solely because of their gender until a crucial movement in American history during the late nineteenth century that would inspire a long fight for equality for generations to come. The American women’s movement was a tedious yet extraordinarily important movement that challenged the social norms of a patriarchal society for their own recognition. Overall, this paper will discuss the importance of women’s labor†¦show more content†¦First Women’s Rights Convention was held in 1848. Approximately 300 activists meet in Seneca Falls, N.Y., to plan on how to achieve women’s suffrage nationwide. Partakers, includin g Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, mark the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, formed on the Declaration of Independence, which calls for equivalent treatment of women and men under the law and voting rights for women. The main organizer of the Seneca Falls Convention was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who is deemed as one of the most important people that made an important change in women’s rights. Stanton drafted the â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments, Grievances, and Resolutions,† that related to the Declaration of Independence. â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal. Among the 13 resolutions set forth in Stanton’s â€Å"Declaration† was the goal of achieving the â€Å"sacred right of franchise†Ã¢â‚¬  (History, Art and Archives). They stated the injustices and discrimination that women had to face with, they wanted the United States to adopt laws that protected â€Å"the rights of married women, granting them the right to own property in their own name, keep their own earnings and retain guardianship of their children in case of divorce† (Deborah Brown). In 1868, The National Labor Union, one of the nation’ s first structured labor advocacy groups,

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